'Kay, Brad? Doesn't generally do a thing for me. He's getting kind of jowly, which is unfortunate, but I don't think he'll ever lose that butter-smooth, purring voice ^_^ Also I just love this picture. Liiiiisa, I think, is pretty much in the running for the sexiest woman alive, no? (And also, that haircut is by far my favorite on her.)

She's so pretty and she's got such a killer voice and I'd be mad not to give props to the sexiest Wicked Witch of the West ^_^Įhhhh except that recently, I'm beginning to suspect that she hasn't eaten a thing since the premiere of the first POTC movie >.< Still, I usually love what she does with her characters-I hear she really turned around the Guinevere role to empower her more, which is awesome. This was the only appropriate photo I could find-usually her photoshoots have her smiling all gooey-eyed and docile-looking, feh. I don't know if she's always kinda evil in her movies or what, but I'm always expecting her to just SNAP and seriously fuck someone's shit up. I've loved everything she's ever done, and she's so unfailingly classy and classically beautiful, I love it ^_^ Right, okay, I know there are much prettier photos out there of her, and I do most like that she's so feminine and edgy at the same time, but *splutters* eyepatch! Uniform! I won't ignore them, I won't! (Yes, I am that bored and still unable to produce workable drawings. List pictures of 16 celebrities that you find attractive. Goinked from the fruitful loins of lovecrafty: