Autodesk revit 2020 architecture fundamentals
Autodesk revit 2020 architecture fundamentals

autodesk revit 2020 architecture fundamentals

The practices and files included with this guide are not compatible with prior versions. Access to the 2020.0 version of the software (or later).Project practices to reinforce learning.Adding foundations and structural slabs.Starting a structural project based on a linked architectural model.Introduction to the Autodesk Revit software.The examples and practices are designed to take you through the basics of a full structural project, from linking in an architectural model, to construction documents. The goal is to familiarize you with the tools required to create, modify, analyze, and document a parametric model. This guide is intended to introduce you to the user interface and the basic building components of the software that makes Autodesk(R) Revit(R) a powerful and flexible structural modeling tool. To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk(R) Revit(R) 2020: Fundamentals for Structure guide has been designed to teach the concepts and principles of creating 3D parametric models of structural buildings from engineering design through construction documentation.

Autodesk revit 2020 architecture fundamentals